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بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية


الأحد، 17 فبراير 2019

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Certified Fresh 98%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Upright 90%
IMDb Rating 8.40
By Martha Long

Alligators are a hot topic in states such as Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Texas, and South Carolina. People in these states are used to living among alligators because these animals are many in numbers. They swim in local water bodies and sometimes invite themselves into personal spaces such as door steps and swimming pools. Some people have also had awful encounters with these animals. Here are facts regarding Gator hunts.

Actually, the alligator population is has grown recently to a dangerous level which needs controlling. This is the reason why the law currently allows controlled hunting of these animals. There existed a period where there was no regulation on gator hunting so they were hunted almost to extinction. There was intervention by the government where they banned hunting so as to increase gator populations.

During the ban period, alligators increased and were a major issue once more. Other animals do not threaten their population because they are apex predators in their habitat. Hence, their population can rise beyond control. When this was an issue, gator hunting was legalized by the government. But this is only allowed for a particular period within the year.

The hunting of gators is an activity that s regulated by state governments. That means that the state is responsible for issuing licenses to hunters and controlling how the activity is conducted with the state boundaries. In most states, the open season on gators starts in August and ends in November. This gives residents about 2 months of gator hunting.

A hunter must be licensed so as to hunt within their state. One cannot transfer licenses and this implies that it is only the individual whose name appears on the license that can use it. Likewise, the license is invalid immediately one goes out of the state they got it from. The application must be made anew if one decides on moving to another place.

Making an application for a permit involves payment of a fee. The fee should be paid in full before one can be given the license. Usually, a license is given one month in advance before the start of the open season. The name of the applicant and the state that issued it is indicated on the license. One must always carry the license with them whenever they are hunting.

The number of permits that each state issues usually varies. For instance, the state of Florida only issues 5000 permits each year. Every holder of a permit is allowed to hunt only two alligators during the open season. Exceeding this number is illegal. Out of state applicants are also granted licenses in states that they do not live. However, out of state applicants usually have to pay more for the license than what residents pay.

Because many applicants are hoping to be licensed for hunting, they are distributed using random drawings. This method gets rid of bias. It is only possible to hunt on public land for those with permits. One should seek permission from an owner of a private land before hunting on private land.

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