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الأربعاء، 26 يونيو 2019

Rotten Tomatoes Critics - Certified Fresh 98%
Rotten Tomatoes Audience - Upright 90%
IMDb Rating 8.40
By Donna Patterson

Adding a plant is a trick home decorators on a budget have used for many years. This is an easy and cheap way to make a room feel warm and inviting. For a plant to be effective, it doesn't have to be exotic. If you are someone who kills every plant you try to introduce into your home, or worry about the mess some of them make, you need to consider some hardy, easy maintenance house plants Orange County nurseries sell that have positive health benefits as well.

A spider plant is easy to grow and will clean the air inside your home. According to NASA this plant will clear the atmosphere of carbon monoxide, xylene, benzene, and formaldehyde. These toxins are found in carpet and furniture, and household appliances. They are emitted into the air without most homeowners even being aware of it.

Many people keep aloe vera on their window sills because this succulent needs plenty of sunlight. Aloe vera has a gel like substance inside the leaves. This gel, when applied to the skin will help heal minor cuts and soothe burns, including sunburn. If you boil the leaves, and breathe the vapor, it will alleviate asthma symptoms.

A rubber plant is easy to take care of. The leaves do not shed, and it will create a dramatic decorating statement rising up from the corner of a room. Your rubber plant will also eliminate toxins like formaldehyde from the air. Hair products, nail polish, air fresheners, along with flooring and furniture have varying levels of toxins that can be inhaled.

The plant commonly known as Mother-in-Law's Tongue is a big hardy plant that is easy to care for. Much like the rubber plant, the leaves are strong and sturdy. This is not a plant you have to worry about shedding leaves. Mother-in-Law's Tongue is one of the few plants that emits oxygen at night. This makes it a great plant for the bedroom. To get the maximum effect, you have to place the plant within your breathing zone.

The butterfly plant is a tall leafy plant often found in conservatories and sunrooms. This plant disperses moisture making it a natural humidifier. If the heating system dries out your house during the winter, the butterfly plant is great to have around. At the opposite end of the spectrum, succulents are great for people who forget to water. They retain moisture.

Some plants are natural air fresheners giving off pleasant aromas that keep rooms perpetually inviting. A great example of the this is the dwarf lime tree. Instead of using commercial air fresheners and chemical sprays, try an aromatic plant that is healthier and safer.

There are plenty of great reasons to add planted pots to the interior of your home. They are beautiful decorating touches that don't cost much. A plant in every room might also keep your family healthier and save you trips to the doctor's office.

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